BOHO aka Lars Kohl has become one of the big players in the world of techno in Germany and beyond. Lars’ story is unique and inspiring. Contrary to many careers, he started out as a label owner. In 2014 he founded Jannowitz Records, an imprint that very fast started topping the minimal and deep tech charts – and hasn’t stopped topping them since.In the meantime, Jannowitz became a platform for many creative minds with Lars being the backbone of it all. But in 2017 he reached the point where being the mastermind that provides an outlet for creativity just wasn’t enough anymore. He needed his own musical project: The DJ and producer BOHO was born.

BOHO is filling a gap in the world of underground electronic music. He immediately achieved what many artists dream to achieve for decades: His contemporary sound hit the right spot. Releases on his own imprint were followed by EPs on popular labels like Night Light Records, Lauter Unfug, Dear Deer, Natura Viva, Phobos, Ballroom or Bully Beatz. The names got bigger and bigger and as of now, BOHO’s name has even been written on EP’s released by Yoshitoshi, Octopus Recordings and Stil vor Talent.
The number of artists BOHO has collaborated with seems endless but it’s worth mentioning a few: Gaga, Mateo!, Betoko, Maksim Dark, Heerhorst, Kaiser Souzai, Xenia Beliayeva, Mr. Bizz, Township Rebellion, Acumen, Stefan Biniak, Mycell, Kellerkind, Mattia Pompeo, Beatamines, Matchy, Reza Golroo, Light Breath, Christian Bonori, Alex Schaufel, SlikNik, Nico Cabeza,
The Reason y, Drumcomplex and we’re not even done.Many of his biggest hits were produced with BOHO’s partner in crime: Rachel Raw manages Jannowitz’ sister label Jaw Dropping Records – another milestone in his career. With Jaw Dropping Records BOHO and Rachel broadened their horizons and made room for more diverse music, away from the deep and melodic Jannowitz sound.

1. Lars, why did you decide to create BOHO in 2017 and what does this name mean?

I wanted to start a project where I can play all Jannowitz records releases and also some tracks I liked. But I never had the chance and this was the moment I decide to start for fun and as label project

BOHO. But in the end it was a awesome process and becoming more and more famous. Bigger then I wanted and expected. Then One year later I decided to be more professional and switched from the hobby DJ to a upcoming artist.

That was the best decision of my life.

The name BOHO stands for a fashion and lifestyle. I don’t know why I picked this name, a bit because I really like the lettering , it sounds international, Its simple to keep it in your mind.

And has a cool background because of the Bohemian Lifestyle. These people life wild free and be very artistically minded like me.

This are some factors because I choose this artist name.

Hell yeah I AM BOHO 😂

2. How did you find your musical path?

Trough my own label, a lot of friends and amazing artists around me.

My own ideas and some influences when I travel too.

3. You are a DJ and producer also, having your own label Jannowitz Records, tell us more about your producer experience?

My producer experience is that I’m super open minded to work with other people who inspire me and also give me some help to deliver the right quality. I’ve thousands of ideas and can bring it in the best case with my mastermind friends on the table. For me it’s always a long process till the tracks are ready.

But I have a killer team in the background they are absolutely genius in mixdowns and masterings. And we found a way to speak one language and work super close together.

4. You are touring a lot, last time had been United States (Los Angeles), what`s about your emotions of USA gigs?

Damn, Emotions? To be honest it was one of my bucket list moments to play and be in Hollywood!

What should I say more! This week in LA was pretty awesome and I got from the great Wulfpack crew a lot of energy and great influences. By the way I signed at 3 Famous USA Labels, where one of them is since many years a favorite:

Yoshitoshi Recordings from LA and im more or less very addicted to: Octopus Records !! My favorite label since a long time ( next to my own Hahahahah )

And in March 20th I join also the first time, together with my honey Rachel Raw the legendary Desert Hearts Black label.

5. Rachel Raw your parner in crime manages Jannowitz’ sister label Jaw Dropping Record. How do you combine personal and professional skills? Do you have any B2B projects?

She manage also my travels , the label and she is always my partner in crime and love of my life! We rock together and we fall together. We got the pleasure to get booked many times together and share these moments. What’s a amazing feeling when u share the true passion for music and share also some love. That’s the high end level of being a couple.

We don’t like to have a b2b project. But we share some All night Longs or different gigs together to have fun. Show people our energy and just be ourselfs.

„But in generell“ each of us love it to play alone… because mostly we have our own ideas and journey in our mind.

But it depends from the venue and everything. Last time we shared a unreal b2b for a 3D visual & sound experience in a Planetarium. This was quite big and different then a regular gig. And one of the best back2backs ever next to our extended 6 Hours Set at Hammahalle – Sisyphos club Berlin.

6. What qualities should an artist have today, taking into account the rapid development of new technologies?

Uff tough question. To be a artist in 2020 is in my opinion not only making music. There is much more behind then this. Producing – knowledge about new technical things and a big thing is the marketing.

Sadly but true story at the same time. U can’t concentrate and focus only at the „artist being“ because everything is so in rush and u need to be always on point. In the best case u have a small Team with a graphic designer + social media part , you can produce , djing and open minded to be a „connector“ that u can manage your booking schedule.

7. Please tell us about your creative process, how is your music written and what audience is it intended for?

The creative process starts mostly when I join my team in the studio and we have a short talk about the upcoming session.

I’ve mostly a straight idea for a track or Ep concept. For example which label I want to reach , which sounds they prefer and what i want to do for their label audience.

The creativity and process depends from the Sound I want to do. What machines we use. In the best case I prefer always a mix between analog and digital productions/ gear.

For example when I use the Sub37 and turn on some knobs and play on it.

It’s more easy to find the right groove during this process. And I discover mostly new cool sounds, which I save as a loop or extend my sample library. For the next tracks with a „similar style“

Like I said it depends from the labels I want to release mostly and the mood.

Being more minimal – melodic or just bad ass techno.

8. What’s more important: making music that you like or that everyone likes?

I don’t care about others… just do what I like and love. If u speak about producing it’s a bit different. There I’m straight and just do what’s in my mind. If it doesn’t fits to the special selected labels in the end, I will have in the „worst case“ always the option to release it at my own 2 labels Hahahaha

But I try also to get in touch with the labels.

When I’m DJing, I need to feel the people and change a bit my style or idea if it doesn’t work well. But I never take any track requests or any shit like this.

9. Where do you get the ideas and so much energy for your new projects?

My current energy level is 3000 just go with the flow.

But the new projects and ideas just came from a lot of different Influences, talks , meetings and from friends/ label owners.

Or when I relax a bit and it makes „Baziiinga“ in my head.

I think all those energy come from the music and being a part of the electronic music scene , inspire ,support and build up other artists … all this gives me the whole motivation. I love that each day is a new experience and adventure.

Because all what I do has to do with Music . And Music is the most powerful weapon in the world and my passion.

When I was 18 years old, I got tattooed my arm with the slogan. Sound of my life.

That’s the real spirit. Each part of the life has his own note and happening….

10. You had your debute in Australia, what do you expected from this trip? What else do you have in your musical plans?

The Australia tour was insane! By the way special thanks to Jacob from Thick a Thieves to realize the tour and being so professional.

I played 4 Club gigs and some of them in a b2b with Rachel Raw. And we added one very special experience at the You Yang Forest. The guys from the great Red Moon Collective invited us for a 1 Hour Video Shooting in the Outback. And yes we saw some Kangaroos and a Eagle was listening to our Set. Daaaamn this view and Happening was pure fire! Thanks *Dan Abel for making this day so fabulous. We expected nothing, just a cool time. And I can say that the Oz people gave me new influences and a lot of positive energy for some upcoming projects.

If I start now talking about my musical plans. We don’t find a end today. Hahah.

There is to much cooking in the background.

In the best case stay connected with me and the labels then u will be always updated. Thanks for the nice chat Olga.

*BOHO* ( Senso Sounds / Stil Vor Talent / Jannowitz / Octopus )

Homepage // https://jannowitz.com/boho/

Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/BOHOJAW/

Soundcloud // https://soundcloud.com/bohojaw

Beatport // https://www.beatport.com/artist/boho/620927

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boho_jaw/

Label Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/jannowitz-records/39822

The post 1ST TECHNO BLOGGER OLGA GODINA INTERVIEWS BOHO appeared first on Hammarica.

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